
I started cosmetology school in 2016, graduating in 2018 from Paul Mitchell the School Salt Lake City. My passion is in hair color, enhancing your natural features and helping my guests feel beautiful and confident. I opened my first studio in July of 2020, with a mission to create a safe space for everyone. Thank you for being here to support me and my business! I can’t wait to see what the future has in store! Xoxo, Lauren

Hours and Location

585 Water Street Prairie du Sac, Wiconsin, WI 53578
Tuesday9 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday9 AM - 6 PM
Thursday9 AM - 6 PM
Friday9 AM - 2 PM

Cancellation Policy

No Call No Show Policy: I understand that unexpected events can occur, and I ask that you please provide us with as much notice as possible in the event that you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. I value and respect the time of my clients, and ask for the same respect in return. I have implemented a strict "No Call No Show" policy to ensure that my schedule remains filled and that other clients have the opportunity to book an appointment. A "No Call No Show" occurs when a client fails to show up for their scheduled appointment without providing prior notice. If a client violates this policy, the following actions will be taken: 1. The client will be barred from booking any further appointments with me, and charged 50% of their service fee. I understand that emergencies and unforeseen circumstances can happen, and I ask that you please contact me as soon as possible to inform me of any changes to your scheduled appointment. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this policy.